No More Frumpy Mommy ‘Moms’ Night Out’ Challenge Day 11 with Tricia Goyer

This post is part of the No More Frumpy Mommy Moms’ Night Out challenge with Tricia Goyer-you can also join the challenge by going here:

Thursday was the last day of the challenge. 

Day 11 challenge here:

How can you let God be your oxygen? 

-I need to have more personal prayers with God so I can get personal comfort and guidance from Him. 

-I need to learn to trust God more fully. I like to plan and schedule and make lists, and sometimes I’m not very flexible. Sometimes things happen so that we have the opportunity to help someone or grow from an experience. 

-I need to do more consistent personal scripture study-several times a week or daily. 

I have really enjoyed these past 11 days of challenges from Tricia Goyer!! I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my personal opinions and thoughts on her questions. 

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