My personal fitness journey


It’s taken me years to get to where I am today and I still have some weight to lose; but every time I see an old picture of myself I’m reminded of what I’ve accomplished!

I was pretty obese after my last pregnancy-over 250 pounds-and I didn’t know what to do to lose the weight. I was so depressed and miserable and fat! I had always been skinny in my teenage years so I knew nothing about exercising or nutrition.

After my baby turned 1 years old I started getting more involved with exercising by reading up on things in magazine and online. I joined a local boot camp but failed miserably because I couldn’t run and I couldn’t do any of the exercises without being in pain. It was so discouraging. I even tried to walk a local 5k race and couldn’t do that either.

My mom told me about Leslie Sansone fitness walking DVDs so I started doing those. My goal was to do 15 mins a couple of times a week without being in pain or having asthma issues. I knew I needed to start somewhere and I kept wanting to do big things but failed because I wasn’t consistent.

So I started with 15 mins and kept working up to longer minutes at a time and more days a week. I would set personal weekly and monthly goals. I would follow a fitness calendar so I always knew ahead of time what workouts I would do.

That’s why I’m so big into helping other moms and why I try to encourage small, consistent types of healthy behavior. I’ve been there! I know what it’s like!

Since that time I’ve lost over 85 pounds, I’ve done a half marathon, a 10k, several 5ks, obstacle races, I lead a weekly local noexcusemom fitness group, and I can exercise for more than 60 mins at a time 6 days a week doing intermediate and advanced programs.
Currently I’m trying to really focus on my nutrition so I can lose some more weight and have better digestion.

I never share any of my pictures or experiences to brag. I share them in hopes that I can encourage and inspire other women and moms! I always want my online friends and women’s group to know they can come to me for any support or questions. I never want another mom to feel hopeless and discouraged as I felt.

I appreciate all of you! I love chatting with all my online friends and finding encouragement and support from you as well!

Just remember as we continue through this holiday season, to make smart healthy choices. Continue with your exercising and eating smaller portions. And if you haven’t been doing that I encourage you to start today. Start small and be consistent! And let me know how I can help you!

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