15 day Tabata SweatFest *free challenge at home* with Skinny Mom & Febreze in wash


Skinny Mom is doing her second “15 day sweat fest” challenge that started on Monday Oct 10th. It’s a FREE 15 day Tabata workout that alternates between upper body, lower body and core exercises. Have you ever done a Tabata workout? A Tabata workout is doing one movement as hard as you can for 20 seconds, then 10 seconds of rest.

For this specific challenge, there are 4 exercises that you daily for 8 times which is a total of 16 mins of a workout, not including warm up and cool down.


When you sign up for this free challenge, you get this nice PDF booklet that you can print off so you can see each daily exercise.

Sign up for the free challenge here:

I am on day 9 today and loving this mini 15 day challenge! All my pictures and daily challenge pictures are on my Instagram page. It’s not too late to join!



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