No More Frumpy Mommy ‘Moms’ Night Out’ Challenge Day 10 with TriciaGoyer

This post is part of the No More Frumpy Mommy Moms’ Night Out challenge with Tricia Goyer-you can also join the challenge by going here:

Day 10 challenge here:

What does your daily routine look like? How much of it includes time with God? 

I start my day at 530am before my hubby and kids are awake so I can have my personal time to exercise for an hour. Then its off to start the day with showering, getting dressed, breakfast, lunch, get the 3 year old dressed, make sure hubby and 12 year old are up, make sure the boys get their allergy medicine and we out the door by 815. My hubby then drops me off at work, our 12 year old off to school, and 3 mornings a week our 3 year old goes to preschool. I typically work 830-5pm when I then come home, sort the mail, help with chores while hubby makes dinner, catch up with the boys, have dinner, help with yard work or more chores, put the 3 year old to bed between 6-7pm after his bath, then do my blogging or reading or scrapbooking or sometimes watch tv before/after my 12 year old goes to bed. I try to be in bed between 930-10pm so I can get up at 530am and start all over again. Whew! 

I try to prioritize my time so I can stay organized and not get burnt out with being too busy. I grew up in a strong christian home, so my hubby and I have chosen to raise our kids that way. We pray before every meal, and every time we get into the car at 815am to start our day and ask for safety and guidance. We have “family night” once per week when we do a church lesson and sing songs about God. We go to church every Sunday. My son has church night/scouts once per week. 

Raising my kids like this has helped me keep up with my time with God. However I realized over the years that I wasn’t doing “deep” studying of the scriptures or “deep” meaningful prayer because I was just doing it with the kids and not personally for myself as well. I always keep a prayer in my heart every day for my kids safety and for me to have patience at work; but I need to be more diligent with personally talking to God more for me. In January my hubby and I were asked to teach a Sunday school class at church and that has helped me so much! Hopefully it has helped our class members too-LOL. Because we teach every week, I have to make the time at least 2 times during the week to prepare and study the lesson and scriptures. I have learned so much because of my weekly studying then I have in years.  I have also been more diligent with being involved with online christian book clubs or bible studies  which helps me prioritize my time with God. 

Of course I’m always striving to be better than I was yesterday and learn from my mistakes. I continually pray that I keep my actions and thoughts in line with being a Godly Virtuous Wife and a good example to my family and others. 

How much of your daily routine involves God? 

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1 Response to No More Frumpy Mommy ‘Moms’ Night Out’ Challenge Day 10 with TriciaGoyer

  1. You have an in-depth schedule and it’s amazing that you can get that time to exercise. I admire it. I’ve just gotten to the place where I can get in 45 minutes to exercise after my son gets on the bus. I use that time to pray as well. Teaching a class seems to always deepen our desire to get closer to God!

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