6 week Spring Strength FITNESS CHALLENGE with Walk Strong Roanoke starts April 15-May 26, 2024

On Monday April 15th we are starting a NEW 6 week Strength Challenge in my private Facebook group.

If you are a part of my challenge group, you will have access to a 15 page booklet that has (6) strength training routines for PULL, PUSH, and LEG day exercises. These exercises can be done at home or at the gym. I also put together a YouTube playlist of all the exercise demos here: https://www.youtube.com/@RachelDeVaughn/playlists

Also in the booklet you will receive warm up and cool down stretches, a water tracker, weekly workout planner, group accountability, and more!! The booklet will be uploaded to our group files tab and can not be shared outside the group.

If you’re interested in joining my FREE challenge group, you can join here (don’t forget to answer the questions) https://www.facebook.com/groups/290296024792860

Equipment needed for this challenge:
-Dumbbells (light, medium, & heavy)
-Resistance Band
-Loop Booty Band
-Ankle Weights
-Chair, Stepper or Bench

View my amazon equipment list here:

Why are we focusing on strength training for the next 6 weeks??

Lean muscle mass naturally diminish with age. Strength training can help you preserve and enhance your muscles. As we age, our hormones decline so we need to find ways to increase certain hormones naturally. Strength training increases growth hormones and testosterone naturally. It also helps shift our cortisol (stress hormones) levels.

Strength Training can:
*Improve body composition/inches lost
*Increase insulin sensitivity (what our body does with extra sugar)
*Helps with adrenal health and thyroid function
*Increase metabolism to burn more calories (and help lose weight)

Men and Women over the age of 40 should be lifting heavy things, not just bands or bodyweight! We can age MORE POWERFULLY by doing strength training multiple times per week (3-4 times is ideal). As we age, we want to continue to do the things we love and maintain our independence, right? Maintaining or improving our strength can help us with bending, squatting, lifting, moving etc. -things we do in our everyday life.

Healthy adults should aim for working several different muscle groups, 8-12 reps each exercises, 1-3 sets, at least 2 times per week. It is crucial to start small and then work up to gradually increasing the weights, numbers of reps, sets, and days per week. Strength training is generally safe, but if you have any specific health conditions please check with your doctor before starting this or any strength routine.

By using the tracker logs included in my challenge booklet, you can track all of your PULL, PUSH, and LEG day exercises every week to see progress in your weights, number of reps and number of sets. You can also mix and match using different equipment. If there are specific exercises you don’t want to do that are listed-just skip them! Some of the exercises involve floor work but most are standing.

Join me for the next 6 weeks as we learn how to AGE POWERFULLY together!

About Your Instructor:
Rachel DeVaughn has been teaching group fitness for all ages since 2015.
She is a certified Group Fitness Instructor, certified Nutrition coach, Walking Coach, Active Ager Instructor, and holds other certifications.

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2 Responses to 6 week Spring Strength FITNESS CHALLENGE with Walk Strong Roanoke starts April 15-May 26, 2024

  1. Elana says:

    This is awesome! Thanks Rachel!

  2. Terri Quick says:

    Thank you for sharing

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