Welcome to my new EmpowerMoms blog! I changed domains, hosts, blog names-everything! So hopefully you found me from my old blog name: www.crafts-n-fitness.blogspot.com . All my previous posts moved over with me, so you should still be able to search for all my fitness program reviews, book reviews, etc.
I have missed writing posts for the past 1.5 weeks so I have lots of product reviews and giveaways to share! and of course posts to get you ready for your health and fitness goals in 2015!
Please be patient with me as I learn wordpress since I’m coming from using google blogger. If you have any advice for me let me know!
Welcome to EmpowerMoms!
Love the new site!
Love the new blog Rachel! It might be tough at first but you will be so glad you made the switch!
Welcome to the land of self-hosted-ness + wordpress! <3