Last month I had the opportunity to participate in the Roanoke, VA Color Run!! I was given a free race entry in exchange for a blog review and pictures.
This was my first color run so I was a little nervous about my asthma acting up because of the color dust, and how dirty I might get; but overall I was pleasantly surprised with how fun and organized the race was!
Here is my race recap and pictures!
I went to the civic center the day before to pick up my and my sons race packets. It was so fast and efficient with checking in and getting our numbers and our “swag”.
My race number bib, race bracelet, shirt, head band and color dye packet.
Love the shirt!! it fit me perfectly and it felt so soft!!
I bought fun purple net arm bands at the Color Run store because they were cheap and thought it would add color to my outfit!
The morning of the race!! Off to meet my son there at the civic center!
Getting ready to start the race!
They started in multiple waves of people-it was very organized and fun!! They had music and were throwing free stuff out to the crowd as we walked slowly to the starting line.
And we are off!! Ready to run this race!!
Met up with my son (and ex-husband) during the race. He did so good running!! He mostly ran with his dad but I did see him through out the race which was fun!
Going through various color stations!!
Whoohoo!! The finish line!!
They handed out “Kind” protein bars and water to people as we came through the finish line.
Pictures of the “after party” where people threw their dye packets into the air. I stayed away for this, so I wouldn’t have trouble breathing. It was really cool to see all the colors go up in the air from over on the sidelines. The kept doing the “after party” every couple minutes so as people finished the race in waves, everyone would get to participate.
Taking my picture after the race to show my colors!
Taking more pictures of the myself and the finish line…
I got really dumped on by the blue dye in the face, which I was NOT happy about! The lady at that station was way too aggressive with getting color on people! 🙁 That was my only negative complaint. I scrubbed my face and ears off for quite a long time and still had color in my ear days later.
I was really happy my sneakers didn’t get permanently dirty!! After I went thru each color station, I stomped off the color dust so it wouldn’t stay on my shoes.
My runkeeper stats from the race!!
After attempting to clean my face off and getting ready to go home. It was getting really hot outside! I am SO glad I brought towels for us to sit on in the car so we wouldn’t get anything dirty.
Look how much color my 11 year son got!!
Me and my best running buddy!
The race was very organized and it seemed like they had alot of volunteers to help with keeping things going and with throwing color in each dye station.
I liked that the race was downtown because its pretty wide and open to go as fast or slow as you want to during a race.
I didn’t have any breathing problems because I held my breath and pulled my shirt up to my nose every time I went through a color station, which helped alot!! So it is possible to participate in this race if you have asthma. Next time I think I will wear a bandanna over my nose throughout the whole race.
You can get as little or alot of color as you want during this race-I choose to not get plastered with color but still felt like I got enough color to have fun!
Bring tissues!! A couple of times I had to wipe my eyes or nose and it was the only clean thing I had with me!!
I also brought a ziplock bag that I carried my iphone, tissues, inhaler etc. so it would be handy but stay clean. I just carried it in my hand the whole time.
Wearing sunglasses was the best thing I did-kept the sun and color out of my eyes!!
Wasn’t necessary to bring a water bottle because they had water stations through out.
Overall this race was alot of fun and I’m glad it was one of my “13 races in 2013” that I decided to participate in! I may or may not participate in another Color Run because it is alot of money for any particular race, but I think everyone should participate at least once in a Color Run to say they did it! 🙂
I’m loving all of these pictures! I really want to do a color run one of these days. Looks like you guys had a blast!
Looks like so much fun! I hate the idea of getting all dirty so I don’t know if I can ever bring myself to do one of these, but I guess we’ll see. Love that your son had a blast too!
Awww such great photos! I did the Color Run in Rochester in May at it was honestly the most crazy fun 5km I have ever run. It looks like you guys had a blast too! Cheers & SPA love! Tara