Week 4 recap of P90x3 with journal entries and pictures

Started week 4 of P90x3 this week!! I have a new schedule this week!! 🙂 

WEEK 4 P90x3 Classic workout schedule: 
Monday: Isometrix
Tuesday: Dynamix
Wednesday: Accelerator
Thursday: Pilates X
Friday: CVX
Saturday: Yoga X3
Sunday: Rest day or Dynamix

I will be following the Plan B 1800 calories per day.

Breakfast: 2P, 3C, 1F
Am Snack: 2C, 2F
Lunch: 1P, 3C, 1F
PM Snack: 1P, 2C
Dinner: 2P, 2C, 2F
P=Protein servings per meal
C=Carb servings per meal
F=Far servings per meal

Journal Entries for Week 4:

Monday January 27:
This morning was Isometrix. It was pretty challenging! There was no warm up or cool down for this workout. I personally felt like it needed a warm up because the first exercise is doing a plank on one hand!! I had done a 40 minute cardio workout ahead of time so I didn’t have a hard time jumping into the workout. I was honestly surprised that I did alot better that I thought I would. 🙂 There are no breaks or rests in between each move. I like that its a faster pace Yoga workout. Towards the end you do the tree pose (? I think its called the tree pose) with your eyes closed which is alot harder than it seems. I wobbled alot during that one. And I did attempt the very last move-the grasshopper-even though I feel like I’ll never accomplish it! Overall, I liked this dvd and was pleasantly surprised! My HRM said I burned 204 calories in 30 minutes with this workout. 

My nutrition went well-I logged everything I ate and stayed under my calories.

Tuesday January 28:
This morning was Dynamix which honestly I was dreading because it was the very first P90x3 workout I tried a couple weeks ago and it was not what I was expecting at all! I enjoyed it this morning and I was so proud of myself that I was able to hold the forearm plank on both sides for the time allotted!! That is huge progress for me because on day 1, I couldn’t do it at all!! I took a couple pictures because I was really pleased with my progress! My HRM said I burned 203 calories in 32 minutes with this workout. 

My nutrition went okay today-logged about half the day of food. 

Wednesday January 29:
This morning I “slept in” until 6am which felt nice. Because we got snow over the night, I was able to workout later and not get ready for work. Accelerator was the workout on the schedule for today. It was hard! It was a cardio workout-no equipment needed. I posted two videos on Instagram of some moves I did. I was again pleasantly surprised that I can do most of the moves albeit modified but still did them! 🙂 My HRM said I burned 277 calories in 34 minutes with this workout. 

Didn’t log my food today because it was a snow stay at home day with the kids.

Thursday January 30:
Today was Pilates X. I only did 10 minutes of it before I started to feel some aggravation in my lower back from it. I stopped the dvd and put in my AM yoga dvd and did that for 20 minutes. I hate when my lower back starts to hurt. I didn’t wear my HRM today.

I weighed myself today and so depressed because I’ve gained almost 2 pounds in the last month. Which doesn’t sound like much weight, but when I have 20 pounds to lose to get back to my same weight of last year, it feels like a million pounds. I talked to my beachbody coach and she aggreed that I should keep doing both my workouts, but back my calories back down to 1500-1600. 

Logged all my food today and stayed under calories. 

Friday January 31:
This morning was CVX-my FAVORITE P90x3 workout!! I used my 4 pound medicine ball and 6.5 pound hand weight. The workout went great and my HRM said I burned 276 calories in 35 minutes. 

Saturday February 1: 
Today was suppose to be Yoga x with my hubby. 

Unfortunately, I was feeling some discomfort Friday afternoon in my middle far left of my back. I tried to stretch and then did foam rolling and my hard massage ball in that area in hopes of relieving the tightness and discomfort I felt. apparently that aggravated the area more and made it swell, because I woke up in the middle of the night in severe pain. I had to lay on an ice pack the rest of the night. I ran some errands with the kids in the morning, but I’ve been having to ice alot and take alot of tylenol and advil. 🙁 I’ve never had an exercise injury before except for knee pain.

Sunday February 2:
I’m still in alot of pain with my back. I haven’t slept well in 2 days and I’m worried about sitting in my office chair at work tomorrow. Not sure what to do about starting week 5 of my exercise programs…

Should I take the whole week off or a couple days?

My week 4 pictures from this week:

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2 Responses to Week 4 recap of P90x3 with journal entries and pictures

  1. Amanda says:

    Wow. PX90 is tough! You rock! I agree with Larissa, it has to be muscle you are forming! I would take some time off for sure. No sense hurting yourself more.

  2. Maybe you gained some muscle weight with all this working out? Personally I wouldn’t go any lower with calories. A couple summers ago I was doing two workouts/day and my calories got all the way down to 1100-1200 when I should have been 1700 on the low end – it did HORRIBLE things to my body and metabolism. Not only did I not lose weight (duh… I wasn’t even close to fueling my body enough for the work I was doing so my body held on to everything) but I felt absolutely terrible. It took more than a year to feel like my metabolism recovered and functioned well again. Just be careful and pay attention to how you feel!

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