Plus Size workouts by Debby Mack! BRAND NEW for plus size and beginner women workouts

I was on the collage video website today and noticed two new dvds.  (I frequently go there to look at upcoming and newly released workout dvds-yes I have an addiction to workout dvds).

The title “Plus Size Workouts” caught my eye of course, so I clicked on the info and watched the video clips. I was so impressed and pleased that Debby would make these dvds because I feel like there’s a real need for exercise dvds for plus size and/or beginners.

When I first started exercising a couple years ago I was at 250 pounds and I tried to jump into running and bootcamps and kept getting discouraged because I would get hurt or have asthma or knee pain or back pain. Finally my husband told me I just needed to start with basic workouts and work up to harder things instead of jumping into everything. I have a real issue when workout dvds say they can be “for everyone”, just do “modifications”. I’m sorry but when you have alot of extra weight, it hurts to do body weight exercises. It hurts to run and jump. Its discouraging to be out of breathe after exercising after 5 minutes. I agree it’s important to try new workouts and not limit yourself, but not every workout is appropriate for every person. I kept trying new things and kept getting hurt because I was so out of shape and so heavy; I didn’t know what exercises to do or how to start. I was introduced to Leslie Sansone walking dvds and just did them for several months until I lost over 50 pounds and physically felt better and had more stamina to do other workouts.

So because I have been plus size, I can totally relate to the frustrations that women feel about working out-being able to follow the instructor and that shes clear and not going too fast; and physically be able to follow along and do the exercises that shes doing.

I had a delightful conversation with Debby today and she will be sending me some dvds for blog review and a giveaway. So be on the look out for future blog posts about these dvds.

Here is the information about her two dvds and ordering information from collagevideo.

I’m helping to spread the word so that Debby’s dvds can be successful and so she can make more dvds in the future.

This is a well-rounded routine that works at burning fat through the cardio section and increasing muscle strength and endurance through the towel toning segment. This workout is ideal for plus size beginners. The cardio section includes low impact moves that incorporate arms and legs and gradually introduce movement across the floor. All the moves in the cardio section are previewed in the warm up to increase success during the actual workout. These moves include step touches, v-steps, kicks, and taps of heels and toes. Debby builds on these basic moves by going back and adding the arm motions on a second pass through. The warm up blends into the start of the cardio section. The movements are well cued (Debby says, ‘kicks are coming up’). Debby starts most of the moves in place and then adds movement. Examples of this include knee raises in place that progress into walks forward and two knees in place, kicks in place that transition into walking forward and back with the addition of higher kicks and lower kicks to vary the intensity. Squats are also utilized with an invitation to jump the legs back together as the fitness model on the left side demonstrates. Wide walks and narrow walks eventually transition into wide based football runs. Also included are side leg taps with bow and arrow arms as well as sets of lunges with single and double taps. There are a few higher impact options as well as cues to make the moves more simplified if needed (Debby says, ‘you can keep your arms low if it is too confusing). The towel section uses a hand sized towel and incorporates the use of isometric work (keeping the towel taut) as the exerciser progresses through traditional exercises such as biceps curls, lat pull downs, and squats. The towel toning segment even includes standing exercises for core. 
Buyer’s Guide:
Plus +Size Workouts Back 2 Basics is a well-rounded low impact cardio workout for beginners that includes a standing towel toning section. Debby has a calm way about her while being friendly and encouraging along the way. Debby is clearly working out right along with you and it is encouraging to see her as she moves and sweats through the entire workout. She provides cueing for good form (‘body stays tall’) and cues the next move before it appears (‘kicks are coming up’). I like that there are a few higher impact options and these are modeled by the background exerciser on the left. I also liked the different intensities presented with the kicks (kicking high and low) and squats (jumping in) to vary the workout level. The workout seems to go by fast and there is good flow. The breaks in the towel toning section are only long enough to give the arms a quick shake before starting the next move; this is very successful because this is how strength is gained. This workout is really well done for plus size beginning exercisers. 
Warm up and cardio: 30 minutes
Toning and Cool down: 10 minutes


Debby Mack teaches the workout with two backup exercisers in an indoor setting. The workout is filmed from a front camera with a few close up shots during toning section. Debby speaks very clearly and directly throughout the workout. She gives matter of fact encouragement such as, “that’s it”, “you’ve got this”, “the lower we go, the harder it is.”
The mini combinations are simple in nature and allow beginners to easily follow the program. The mini-combinations (4-8 count average) tend to start standing in place with movement gradually added. For example, four punches in place progress to four punches with a walk to the other side. There are no surprises in the movements however this is appropriate for a beginning level workout. There are no modifications in the workout other than two instances: one exerciser does not use weights in the toning section, and one exerciser adds a jog in place of a walk at one point.
The moves are very basic and include sidesteps with various punches, 3 steps and various kicks (done in warm up, cardio section, and cool down), v steps, front and side punches with weightshifts. All the basic punches are included: jab, cross, upper cut, and hook. The basic kicks include front kicks and back kicks only, there are no side kicks. The bonus toning portion of the workout includes biceps curls, wide military lifts, overhead triceps, squats, and front and side leg lifts in a standing position with the support of a chair.

Buyer’s Guide: 
Plus+Size Workouts Cardio Kick achieves a cardio effect through basic low impact moves combined with basic kicks and punches; a bonus toning section focuses on arms and legs. There is not a lot of instruction for how to kick and punch (i.e. “do not extend your arm all the way”, so be certain to practice these moves safely ahead of time), however the basic foot work is well broken down. Debby does give a little more instruction during the toning section. Some of the moves in this workout are repetitive. For example, the three steps and a kick are done in the warm up, cardio, and cool down sections of the workout. The toning section targets arms and legs, however some level of core strengthening would better round out the workout, so you might want to have your favorite core segment cued up afterwards. This workout would be a little more motivating if Debby and her participants were more energetic, but it does have a nice progression of movement. Debby is clearly able to teach in an organized fashion and is able to break down moves for beginning exercisers.

Warm Up and Cardio: 33 minutes
Cool Down: 5 minutes
Bonus Toning Segment: 10 minutes.


Check out her Facbeook page here:

And her website here:


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