Wonder Mom Wednesday: Ways To Involve Kids In Exercise

I am linking up for the first time with This Mama Runs For CupcakesMom Who Tris and Mom Swim Bike Run for a weekly installment called Wonder Mom Wednesday

This week’s topic is ways to involve kids in exercise.

I have two boys-ages 12 and 4. I feel like we are an active, healthy family but it’s definitely something we constantly have to work on so we don’t slip into too much sitting down/electronics time. We love to read and play board games which are great things to do, but it’s also important for us to get out and move as a family. 

One thing my boys love to do is sports. We don’t do alot of “organized” sports-maybe one per year. They mostly play with each other or with the neighbor kids in our yard playing baseball, Frisbee, and basketball.  
I’ve been wanting to set up some kind of obstacle course for the boys, but haven’t figured it out yet. 

My youngest loves to be involved in the gardening with my husband. They spend hours outside weeding, watering, and taking care of all the plants. 
Sometimes he’s too small to help with actual yard work, but he’s a great helper with picking up sticks and leaves!! 

Fitness dvds at home! 
We don’t go to a gym-I do all my workouts at home. On the weekends they love to be involved in my workouts like Leslie Sansone walking dvds or strength training dvds. 

Playing in the gym at church or at school. 
Sometimes scouts will go a little late, so my youngest loves to run around and play while we wait for my oldest. 

On Friday’s I try to leave work early and one of my favorite things to do is to take the kids to our local park. They have a great playground, walking trail, and tennis courts! 

Making crafts at home. 
A couple weeks ago, my son and I made several kites from our monthly Kiwi Crate subscription. He had so much fun running around the yard flying his kite!

Using walking sticks or walking poles while taking walks around the neighborhood. 
I received these training poles complimentary for blog review and the boys love to use them when we go outside because they are “bouncy” and have resistance so you get a great arm workout while walking around. 

A family outing like bowling or putt putt is a great way to get kids to exercise and move around! 

Don’t be afraid to let your kids play around with your exercise equipment at home! 
Supervised of course! We don’t want any accidents 😉  
My boys see me use all kinds of exercise equipment at home and they try to copy me or do the workouts with me. We love to do workouts together and I teach them how to use items safely and properly. They are never too young to learn.   

I hope my pictures have helped give you ideas or inspired you on ways you can involve your kids in exercise. 

What things do you like to do with your kids? 

Do they naturally like to be active or do you have to make a constant effort? 

Please join Wonder Mom Wednesday hosted by: Mom Who TRI’s, This Mama Runs for Cupcakes and Mom Swim Bike Run.  Be kind and use the Wonder Mom Wednesday graphic in your post or link back to the hosts. Have fun,  find new blogs to follow!

9/17 Next week’s topic: Favorite mom moments from last week. 

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3 Responses to Wonder Mom Wednesday: Ways To Involve Kids In Exercise

  1. Amanda says:

    So cool that your kids are super active. Love the organized sports too. My kids are both in soccer. It keeps them so tired which is the best! Thanks for linking up with us this week, Rachel. I hope you’ll join in again.

  2. This is great!! Thanks so much for linking up with us!

  3. Susan Tirch says:

    It looks like you’re doing a great job with your kiddos! Thanks for linking up. ~Susan @momswimbikerun

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