Jillian Michaels NEW Beginner Shred Review

I’ve been working out to the newest Jillian Michael’s exercise dvd this month…and I LOVE it!
It’s called “Beginner Shred” and has (3) 20 minute workouts. 

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24 mins including warm up and cool down.
3 circuits on both sides. only 1 brief cardio exercise. hand weights used. 

25 mins including warm up and cool down.
3 circuits on both sides. hand weights used. 

23 mins including warm up and cool down.
3 circuits on both sides. cardio exercises thru out. hand weights used. 

I have only done two other Jillian Michael’s dvds, but I really like her style and motivating personality. I pre-ordered this dvd not knowing if it would be too easy for me.

I like and use this dvd for my easier days or when I’m not feeling 100% but still want to do a workout. Level 3 is challenging and makes me sweat since it has more cardio and is more on my intermediate fitness level.

Jillian is alot calmer and more family friendly in this workout-no swear words, which I like because now my pre teen can workout to this dvd with me.

This is truly a “beginner” workout and Jillian does a great job being very clear with each exercise and shows modifications for everything. She also shows you what not to do in some exercises which is very helpful. You can make the workout easier by using light hand weights or go heavier. I personally use 5 and 8 lbs.

I LOVE this dvd workout and highly recommend it.

**If you’re looking for a tough workout and want Jillian to yell at you-this is NOT the workout for you!**

If you’re interested in buying this dvd, you can use my amazon affiliate link below: 

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