Live Well: Designed to Manage Stress and Enhance Relaxation Cd review and GIVEAWAY

I was given this product complimentary for blog and social media review. All opinions are my own.

My husband listened to this earlier and said he really liked it. This cd Has 7 sections and lasts about 35 mins. The sections are Intro, Breathing, Affirmations, Visualization, Thinking, Relaxation, Imagery.

My husband said there were two things he didn’t like about it-first they said “hell” which was startling since it’s suppose to be a relaxation cd; and second he felt like each section needed a little more time.

Overall he liked it though and the woman talking was very soothing. You can pick one track at a time to do, or do the entire cd at once.

I’m more of a soothing music, no talking kind of person; so I gave this cd to my husband in order to do this blog review.

Product Description
Conscious thinking, progressive relaxation, changing negative thought patterns and a special guided imagery interactive experience are some of the techniques you will learn to help you relax and take a more positive approach and get the results you want in your life. Certified Hypnotherapist Janet Montgomery brings you proven techniques for managing stress in this relaxing “Guided Imagery” CD. Her soothing voice, accompanied by the mellow sounds of Jeff Gold’s instrumental music, will transport you to a place of ultimate peace and regeneration.

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