“Clutter Free” challenge pictures and book by Kathi Lipp

I have been a part of Kathi Lipp’s CLUTTER FREE book launch and have been posting my progress pictures on Instagram for the last month.


You can check out her awesome book here:

Here’s a before and after of my craft room area.
I have a hard time keeping it clean because of all the projects I like to do.

All my trash-I seriously don’t even know what it all was!

My before and after of my desk.
I do all my blogging, personal bills etc. at my desk so mail and kids papers get accumulated daily here. My husband helped me put up organization in this area, which I love!

We have a very small, older bathroom, so organizing the bathroom closet was very much needed. Also did my bedroom end table and went through my purses and cosmetic bags.

The top and bottom of my bedroom dresser tend to be my “catch all” places, so I went through and organized and put things in their proper place.

My kids even got on board with doing a clutter free project with me. We had WAY too many animals!

My latest project I did today. Went through smaller boy clothes, my shoes, more books, video tapes.

I am very pleased with all the progress that I’ve done with my de-cluttering. I have to be careful to not touch other people’s stuff (like my hubby’s) and get rid of it, which has been a little bit of a challenge. Although we have the extra space to store things, I don’t want to keep things that we don’t need. It actually feels liberating to get rid of things and it makes me feel good knowing other people can benefit from the items I’m giving away.

Do you go through your household items on a regular basis? Do you like to de-clutter?

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