Habanero Salsa – Dominate the Dance Floor by SalsaCrazy

I was sent this product complimentary for blog and social media review. All opinions are my own.

I’m not a salsa person, but my husband and oldest son are, so I knew they would LOVE to try this out!!

Here’s what they said:
Habanero Salsa is rated 9/10. I felt like this would be too hot so my son, so I brought it to work to share with my co workers with some chips. It was a big hit! 4 other people besides me, tried it, liked it and even wrote down the bottle name so they can buy it. One of my co workers said that the corn really gave it a nice sweet taste and the habernaro really zested things up well! Not too hot to enjoy, but I love extra spicy hot things. I also like that they didn’t add unnecessary ingredients to the salsa.

Habanero Salsa by SalsaCrazy (yes, the same people that brought you the amazing learn to Salsa Dance DVDs).

INGREDIENTS: Tomatoes, vinegar, various chiles, corn, Habanero Salsa that’s a delicious, hot, all-around salsa with great garden flavor and chunks of tomato, corn, and green chile.

It’s not too hot to eat, and it’s packed with flavor. You’ll love the familiar healthy and home-made salsa flavor with a healthy dose of chile peppers and garlic that make this an extraordinary and versatile table salsa.

You can buy it here:

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