Jillian Michael’s BodyShred program & unboxing video. Challenge starts Monday, February 29th!


Have you heard about Jillian Michael’s BodyShred program that came out last Christmas? I ordered it and I’m embarrassed to say that because of my other workouts and blogging, that I forgot about it after a while! I was reminded that I had the program, when Jillian posted some info on additional workout dvds last month that go along with this program.

I have previously done Body Revolution and other Jillian Michael’s dvd so I’m really excited about this one!

Body Shred Description:
**3-2-1 Interval Format – The BODYSHRED workouts are comprised of four 6 minute, high-intensity circuits to achieve a strong, sexy SHREDDED body

**Ten incredible 30-minute workouts to totally transform your physique

**Innovative 60-Day progressive workout program that consists of 8 SHRED Method workouts and 2 Cardio workouts

**High-intensity, holistic resistance and endurance-based 60-Day fitness plan

**Involves synergistic 3D body dynamics that explore the scope of movement possibilities to maximize athletic performance and metabolic potential in just 30 minutes

Watch my BODY SHRED unboxing video here:

3-2-1 Interval Format:
Workouts are comprised of four 6-minute, high-intensity circuits utilizing Jillian’s 3-2-1 Interval Format approach:

3 Minutes of Resistance Training; Muscular Conditioning
2 Minutes of Cardiovascular Conditioning; HIIT Intervals
1 Minute of Active Recovery; Utilizing core focused exercises that facilitate supreme stability and power


Workout Schedule:
*Monday and Thursday your workouts focus on push muscles – chest, shoulders, triceps, quads
*Tuesday and Friday the focus is on pull muscles – back, biceps, hamstrings, glutes
*Wednesday and Saturday you do a 30-minute cardio workout
*Sunday is a complete day of rest


You can purchase a copy of this program on Amazon here:

or here:


If you order BODYSHRED from their website (link posted above), you can upgrade to the ULTIMATE program to receive 3 additional dynamic metabolic conditioning workouts, a stability ball, foam roller, resistance cord AND an EXTRA BONUS DVD! www.getbodyshred.com


I have a fitness program that I’ve already committed to starting in January; so I will be starting this Jillian Michaels Body Shred 60 day program on MONDAY FEBRUARY 29th!

Do you want to join me? Mark your calendars so you don’t forget and make sure to order your workout set from Amazon or their direct website. (Links above)

Let me know if you have any questions!

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