#ElfOnTheRun virtual 5k race recap with #GoneForARun

Last month we had a week of incredibly warm weather for December in Virginia. I took advantage of the nice weather and had a NoExcuseMom park workout with some local moms and kids.


We followed Chris Freytag’s Prevention Walking Bootcamp and did some walking intervals for 45 minutes as a group. It was alot of fun and the ladies did great!
Some of the kids even joined us!


You can get a copy of the workout here:



After the ladies left the park, my son and I decided to stay longer and walk some more because the weather was so nice and warm. I realized I only had 1 more mile left to earn my Elf on the Run 5k virtual race so decided to finish it up.



Isn’t this the cutest medal? It’s nice and sturdy and big! I’ve been doing monthly virtual races with http://www.goneforarun.com/


My race package came with some cute gloves which I gave to my son because he did the entire 3.1 walking distance with me and was disappointed I didn’t have a second medal for him.


My son and I loved walking at the park! Although it was weird weather for December, I was very grateful for the nice sunshine that day!

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