DeVaughn Family update and activities #FitFamilyChallenge Roanoke

I can not believe how fast this challenge and the past several weeks have gone! My family and I had a couple of trips in May so I apologize for the lack of updates from The DeVaughn Family!

How is the challenge going for you? Are you finding fun ways to stay active for you and your family?

Our family has been going to the YMCA gym 1-2 times per week for gym time, fitness classes and free play like swimming and basketball. I have been very impressed with the instructors and child care at both Kirk and Salem so far. I completed the “fit start” with Salem which is a free program with the wellness instructors. They showed me how to use all the weight machines and helped me set weekly goals.


We have also been loving this weather (well, except for all the rain!) and being able to play outside! We go to the local parks a lot on the weekends and when I get home from work. I have also been using my new suspension straps outside on my swing set, which has been a lot of fun!


One of our family trips last month was a weekend camping trip with my parents to Camp Alta Mons in Shawsville. We hiked up to the falls which was fun. It is definitely a hike, not a walking stroll. There were at least 4 areas on the trail where we had to cross over rivers and steams and not on dry ground. My boys ages 6 and 14 did awesome, but I definitely wouldn’t recommend taking kids younger than 6 or 7 because of some very steep climbing and narrow pathways in some areas.

Camp Alta Mons isn’t that far from Roanoke and is a beautiful area! The weather was perfect and we only saw 2 snakes! 🙁

One thing that I love about summer is the price of produce tends to go down, which means we can eat more of it! I have discovered shopping weekly at Aldi’s for produce and other specialty items has been saving us some money. Our family tends to eat pretty healthy, so this has been helping us even more with healthy foods and snacks. I love making up fresh salads for work and dinners!

We also have a garden and strawberry patch at our house (so we can save money and eat healthy) which my boys love. My youngest is a great gardener!

One of our struggles this month has been getting our weekly workouts done as a family. My husband and I work different shifts which makes it difficult for the 4 of us to be in one place, but we have gotten to do some Fit Family Challenge workouts together which I will share in a later post.

I hope you all are having a good, happy summer so far. Keep working hard and logging those fitness points!

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