2018 Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Marathon race series TSHIRT deadline #brm26pt2 #runblueridge

Today is the LAST DAY to register for any of the Blue Ridge Marathon race series and be guaranteed a shirt in your size and race distance.

Registration Link: https://bit.ly/RunBlueRidge
PROMO CODE to save 15% off the 10k, half, full, & double races: RACEBLUERIDGE


I can not believe it!

RACE DAY: APRIL 21, 2018– The Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Marathon Series has earned its title as “America’s Toughest Road Marathon” by challenging runners with over 7,430 ft. in elevation change, more than any other road marathon in the U.S. This race runs along the famously scenic Blue Ridge Parkway, and proceeds from this non-profit event benefit the parkway and local charities. The full, half and 10k all prove equally challenging yet rewarding on this mountainous course, and all runners are rewarded with a unique finishers’ medals, a tech-tee, live music and local craft beer at the festival-like finish in downtown Roanoke. This race would not be possible without the support of our title sponsor, Foot Levelers.

This event is owned and operated by the Roanoke Outside Foundation whose mission to make outdoor activity and environmental stewardship a core component of our community’s lifestyle by promoting a “conservation through recreation” philosophy.

Race Weekend Schedule:

Guess what they announced on the Facebook page this month? The new socks sponsor will be Feetures!! They will be providing a FREE pair of socks for EVERY runner!! Make sure to come to the Friday Expo on April 20th to claim your swag and pick up your race packet. FEETURES socks are my favorite!

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