Claytor Lake OCR at Claytor Lake State Park, Dublin *Price increase & PROMO code*

SAVE 10% off regular price race tickets by using code: Empower18
(expires on 4/20/18)

My family and I are really excited to participate in this race this year!! Less than 4 weeks to go!

Info from their website:
Families are welcome, but we ask that children 12 & under race with an adult. 13 and over will be at the discretion of the parent- please know that the course takes you through the woods and your child should be comfortable with navigating course markings.

You can expect at least cold water, sand, mud, climbing, crawling, and much more…Show up to discover what awaits you.

Groups of 20 will be going off 8 minutes apart. Wave selection happens during registration, first come first serve.

Early packet pick-up is 5:00pm-6:30pm at Blacksburg Community Center/Rec center: 725 Patrick Henry Drive, Blacksburg, VA.

Packet pick-up is 7:30-10:00 a.m. the day-of the race at Claytor Lake State Park. When you arrive at the “Y” at bottom of the hill in the park, follow the signs.

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