ActivMotion Bar Review

The innovative ActivMotion Bar is a fitness tool that is hollow and filled with rolling steel weights that work to activate the core and challenge balance.

I have been using the 8 pound ActivMotion bar that was sent to me complimentary for review this month and I have really enjoyed it! I posted several short exercise videos on Instagram in the past week if you want to check them out.

I like that this tool is easy to use, very universal, and easy to store. It was easy to grip with my hands and I liked being able to hear the ball weights rolling back and forth so I could recognize to keep my core tight and hand grip in the center.

It comes in different lengths and different weights depending on your fitness level and how you want to use your bar. I have an exclusive coupon code for my readers if you would like to purchase your own ActivMotion bar.

25% off through the holidays! Use code “fitapproach25”

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