“Justice Delivered” (Memphis Cold Case) by Patricia Bradley

“Justice Delivered” (Memphis Cold Case) by Patricia Bradley

This book was amazing! I read it in one day-late into the night-so I could finish because I wanted to find out who the “bad guys” were and what was going to happen next.

Lots of steady action and suspense from beginning to end. I couldn’t stop reading!! The story deals with issues like sex trafficking, drugs and addictions; so I wouldn’t recommend it for young adult readers. There are no graphic scenes but it’s so emotionally hard to read about topics like that, especially knowing it is true and happens even today.

Carly was such a great, strong, courageous woman who didn’t let her tragic past define and ruin her future. Instead she used it to help others and I liked how the author shared coping mechanisms that Carly used during her dark times. I feel like this story and character-although fiction-could help and inspire other struggling women.

I also loved the other characters-Maggie, David, Lexi and Lia in this book. This story is told over a 16 year span when Carly (Heather) is sold into slavery and then after escaping, transitions into “normal life”.

Lots of action, twists and turns-highly recommend this Christian fiction suspense book!

I received a copy of this book complimentary for blog and social media review. All opinions are my own.

About the book:
Carly Smith came by her trust issues honestly. A victim of sex trafficking, she’s been at the mercy of merciless men, ignored by law enforcement officers who should have helped her, and seemingly rejected by her family. She can’t even trust herself to do the right thing. Though she escaped her captors and is working hard on building a new life, the past continues to haunt her when she discovers that the man she couldn’t bring herself to report to police for fear of reliving her captivity is still out there, luring vulnerable girls under the guise of being a modeling agent.

When her own niece is kidnapped, Carly must overcome her fears and come forward with the information she has before it’s too late. When that proves to be not enough, she’ll have to go after the perpetrators herself.

Award-winning author Patricia Bradley keeps the suspense taut and the stakes high in this fast-paced story that will have readers turning pages long into the night.

Purchase your copy here:

About the Author
Patricia Bradley is the author of Justice Delayed, Justice Buried, and Justice Betrayed, as well as the Logan Point series. Bradley won an Inspirational Reader’s Choice Award in Suspense, was a finalist for the Genesis Award, won a Daphne du Maurier Award, and won a Touched by Love Award. She is cofounder of Aiming for Healthy Families, Inc., and she is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America. Bradley makes her home in Mississippi. Learn more at www.ptbradley.com.

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