Week 5 of “The Great Walk 100 day Summer Challenge” video suggestions

Welcome to week 5 of “The Great Walk 100 day Summer Challenge” from 6/26 – 7/2.

Remember: Our goal is to be consistent so even if you can’t do 100 days of walking in a row, do the best you can and listen to your body.

If you CAN do a walk every day, it is VERY important that you mix it up by doing gentle walks, longer walks, shorter walks, indoor walks, outdoor walks, etc.

Here are some week 5 workout video suggestions from my YouTube channel:

Comment below and let me know what walks you did this week and how you are feeling! I love to hear from you!

Don’t forget to come back here to my blog EVERY Sunday morning to get weekly walking workout suggestions and to stay accountable to this challenge. Our challenge is from 5/29/22 – 9/5/22!!


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9 Responses to Week 5 of “The Great Walk 100 day Summer Challenge” video suggestions

  1. Amy Bosiljevac says:

    Happy 4th July weekend!

    My workout was improve health senior fitness Strength, Cardio, Balance & Flexibility All in One Workout #10

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Amy Bosiljevac says:

    My workout was Jessica Smith Brain fitness fun.
    2 mile walk

  3. Amy Bosiljevac says:

    Hi everyone
    My workout was Rachel 2 mile cardio ball and Balance. The balance part is a challenge. I will get there. It is a fun workout.
    Everyone is doing Awesome job with this Walk challenge.

  4. Amy Bosiljevac says:

    My workout was improve health senior fitness Dance workout. 2 mile walk.

  5. Donna Willard says:

    Good morning, Still walking. Did Beach boys video this morning. I am up a little over 5 lbs. This has not happened in two years. I have wrote some goals with my eating that I have let slide. Time to focus again. I can do it! Knee still bothering me. No more squats, unless they are the mini ones. Knee brace helps. Loved my walk on the greenway early the other morning. Going to water aerobics today. Wearing arthritis gloves for any water work to see if this supports my wrist better. Hope you are doing great. Keep the walking up! Hope the Grand Canyon walk is lots of fun. Hope you and your family had a great celebration with Zachary for his birthday. Wow! He is growing up. Have a blessed day.

  6. Olga Garcia says:

    6/26. Active rest day

    36 min; 15 min; 50 min; 36 min walks.

    4.9 mi

  7. Amy Bosiljevac says:

    My workout was improve health senior fitness gentle WALK 1mile walk today.

  8. Elana says:

    Today I did the 2 mile gentle walk from week 2 I think for my active rest day. I look forward to trying the suggested week 5 ones this week!

  9. Cindy Grassi says:

    It has been a week of mixed emotions. I walked over 28 miles through Thursday, then with 2 funerals on Friday and Saturday , and the hot weather, I pushed a bit much and think I have heat exhaustion. Better today and resting. I still walked every day, a gentle walk for these last 3 days, but a walk nonetheless. Happy stepping all!!!!

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