“12 Ways to Age Gracefully” 12 week book study and fitness challenge starts August 2024


Join me starting August 5th thru October 28th for a 12 week book study and fitness challenge using the book “12 Ways to Age Gracefully”. Each chapter will be discussed each week with tips and goals. We will also have a mini movement challenge each week.

My coaching will be free-all you have to do is purchase the book!

You can either join in this discussion here on my blog or in my Facebook challenge group here: (make sure you answer the questions to join!)

We start in less than 2 weeks so PURCHASE YOUR BOOK FROM AMAZON HERE: https://amzn.to/3LsChps

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1 Response to “12 Ways to Age Gracefully” 12 week book study and fitness challenge starts August 2024

  1. Cynthia Kuhns says:

    I am Robin’s aunt and I started reading the book when she was here. I purchased it and it just arrived today. I would love to be a part of the twelve week challenge.

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