week 2 book study fitness challenge GUT HEALTH #12WaysToAgeGracefully

Welcome to WEEK 2 of our book study/fitness challenge!

1) Read chapter 2, discuss questions below, and try something this week or make a goal.
2) MOVEMENT challenge: Take a walk after a meal to help improve digestion and regulate blood pressure.

Are you trying Intermittent Fasting this week? ⏱️❓

Intermittent Fasting occurs when you eat within a specific window of time. Experiment with different time periods to see what suits you best. I like to fast 9:15 (eating between 10am and 7pm) or 10:14 depending on my work schedule.

⏱️Intermittent Fasting’s benefits include:
**Improved hormone profile – this is particularly important for women who experience high levels of stress
**Increased life expectancy
**Maintenance of skeletal muscle mass – muscle mass is directly related to your metabolic rate. The more muscle mass you have, the faster your metabolism will be.
**Decreased blood glucose levels
**Boosted immune system
**Decreased insulin levels and increased insulin sensitivity – this has a direct impact on your metabolic rate
**Increased lipolysis (the breakdown of fats) and fat oxidation – Intermittent Fasting turns your body into a fat burner
**Increased uncoupling protein-3 mRNA – this is important for the production of energy inside the cell
**Increased norepinephrine and epinephrine levels – this leads to an increase in fat breakdown
⏱️You want to be satisfied and not hungry during your eating window. Eat nutrient rich foods and drink plenty of water.

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