10 ways to use a foam roller!

Do you use a foam roller?

I never use to but ever since my race training and my half marathon this past September, I have had to use one on my right hamstring almost every time I exercise. 🙁

I absolutely love using it!! I just got a cheap Golds Gym brand Roller at Walmart and its so firm and sturdy!

I found this article last week online and wanted to share it with my readers… Great resource-enjoy!!

10 Ways to Use a Foam Roller

by Jessica Smith
Shape Magazine Online


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2 Responses to 10 ways to use a foam roller!

  1. thanks! I didn’t use to, but now I have to almost every day it seems. my leg is getting better though so not so much painful as it use to be to roll it.

  2. Amanda says:

    Great article. Thanks for sharing. I know I should be using one of those but I don’t.

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