Started week 2 of P90x3 program this week! Wasn’t sure I would continue this program, but giving it another couple of weeks before I decide.
WEEK 1-3 P90x3 Classic workout schedule:
Monday: Total Synergistics
Tuesday: Agility X
Wednesday: Yoga X3
Thursday: The Challenge
Friday: CVX
Saturday: The Warrior
Sunday: Rest day or Dynamix
I will be following the Plan B 1800 calories per day.
Breakfast: 2P, 3C, 1F
Am Snack: 2C, 2F
Lunch: 1P, 3C, 1F
PM Snack: 1P, 2C
Dinner: 2P, 2C, 2F
P=Protein servings per meal
C=Carb servings per meal
F=Far servings per meal
Week 1 recap is here:
Monday January 13:
Did Total Synergistics today. I felt like it went alot better than last week. I’m trying something different this week. Instead of doing my P90x3 workouts in the evenings and my Baladea program in the mornings; I’m getting up at 5am to do both my workouts in the morning. So far so good!
Burned 315 calories in 50 minutes. Used my lebert equalizer bars and my 3 and 5 pound hand weights.
Nutrition went well today. Logged everything in my fitbook except dinner and pm snack.
Tuesday January 14:
Today I did Agility x. Great cardio workout, and again felt like I did better than last week. Burned 276 calories in 36 minutes. Pleased with my progress so far. Feeling more positive about doing P90x3 than last week but still taking it a day at a time.
Had another good nutrition day and logged everything but dinner in my fitbook.
Wednesday January 15:
Took a rest day today and didn’t do any Yoga. I really dread Wednesday’s because Yoga is scheduled on my Baladea and P90x3 schedule.
Super stressful day at work, totally Pmsing and bad night with the kids after work. Didn’t write down any of my food today.
Thursday January 16:
Got up at 5am to do two workouts and determined to have a better day. Did The Challenge workout and burned 170 calories in 31 minutes. I love using my lebert bars and power push up stands. Making progress with doing more push ups and pull ups on my bars.
Only logged my breakfast and am snack today. Drank lots of water though!
Friday January 17:
Took a rest day today! started my period and really feeling tired and fatigued. Didnt log any food or water today. Such a bust this week! 🙁
Saturday January 18:
Got up at 630am just to make sure I got my two workouts down before the kids woke up. Did CVX from yesterday’s schedule-burned 272 calories in 35 minutes. I used my 4 pound medicine ball again during this workout. THIS IS MY FAVORITE P90x3 workout for sure!!! I just love that its cardio but with using a weight, I’m getting strength training done as well!! LOVE!!
Drank my CORE POWER protein drink after my two workouts and it was so delicious!! Totally didn’t log anything the rest of the day. It’s hard to remember to log my food when I’m at home, running errands and taking care of the kids all day. Hubby and I did work on our gym and putting things up on the wall so I’ll post pics soon with what it looks like! 🙂
Sunday January 19:
Rest Day!
thanks ladies!! I appreciate your comments!! 🙂 I’m just taking it one week at a time.
I love your workout pants in those pictures–great job on your workouts this week!
Great pictures! Love that you “didn’t hate it”. I was running Saturday and heard someone around me say “at least we aren’t dying”. That’s about the same! 🙂
I enjoy reading about new programs. Thanks for sharing your perspective! Looking forward to seeing how it all shakes out for you and if you will continue.
Great review! I’m doing the program too and it’s fun to read the different opinions and perspectives.