Wonder Mom Wednesday: Favorite mom moments from last week

I am linking up with This Mama Runs For CupcakesMom Who Tris and Mom Swim Bike Run for a weekly installment called Wonder Mom Wednesday

This week’s topic is favorite mom moments from this past week. 

On Friday’s I try to leave work early so I can spend the afternoon with my two boys-ages 4 and 12. We love to go to the library and pick out books and family movies. 

My 4 year old loves to dress himself and I have decided that trying to get him to match his clothes/coordinate colors is not a battle that I want to have on a daily basis. So I let him wear whatever he wants (within reason of course-we don’t wear shorts in the winter!) 

He recently found an Easter headband and insisted on wearing it to the library. Did I like it? Not really, but he looked hilarious so off we went to the library!!  

We read lots and lots of Halloween/Fall books together. 
I take so many pictures, he won’t do “good” faces any more for me. 🙁 what a turkey! 

So we made silly face instead! LOL 
(my 12 year old was also with us, so he took the pictures)

This past weekend I checked out a new goodwill store and bought Dora Candyland. How fun is that? We played a couple of times together and talked about having a good attitude playing games whether we win or lose, and following the rules. I won a game and he won a game. and then he played another game with his Leapfrog Scout. 😉  

On Saturday my 4 year old got a book in the mail for blog review which he immediately wanted to sit and read the entire thing. So we read some stories from it on Saturday and Sunday.  

This wasn’t a great moment this week-my hubby was hit by a deer coming home-but it was a teaching moment for my 4 year old. I explained to him that the deer was not obedient and did not look both ways before crossing the street and got hurt. 🙁 I felt like this was important to teach him because he loves to walk across the street and get the mail with me, and play in our yard; and I’m so worried he will run out into our street and get hit even though we’ve talked about it many times.  

So there’s some pictures of my past week. 
Typically I take tons more than that, but I’ve been dealing with alot of stress at work and a hurt back so I haven’t been very productive lately. 🙁 

What were some of your favorite mom moments from this past week? 

Please join Wonder Mom Wednesday hosted by: Mom Who TRI’s, This Mama Runs for Cupcakes and Mom Swim Bike Run.  Be kind and use the Wonder Mom Wednesday graphic in your post or link back to the hosts. Have fun,  find new blogs to follow!
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2 Responses to Wonder Mom Wednesday: Favorite mom moments from last week

  1. Thanks so much for linking up! Looks like a great time at the library! So sorry he hit a deer, so glad your hubby is ok!! And definitely a great way to put a spin on a teaching moment!

  2. Amanda says:

    Oh my goodness your car! Wow. I always think about that when I’m driving and I see deer. I’m glad he was ok. I bet that was so scary!

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