Leslie Sansone: 5 Boosted Miles *review with pictures* and PRINTABLE Boost Chart!


I bought this new Leslie Sansone dvd on Amazon which was released on Tuesday, November 10th. I love doing 4-5 miles at one time to get a big calorie burn so I was so excited to get this brand new workout!


Mile 1
boosted moves like jogging, reach and sit.

Mile 2
8 second boosts, knee up patterns

Mile 3
punches, shuffles, squats, leg patterns

Mile 4
bouncing in place, 4 steps up/4 side shuffles/4 steps back, 8 quick steps

Mile 5
cross/pull down arm sequence, squat then kick, boosted knee ups

*During mile 5, the cool down starts at 66:25-69:37 and the stretch starts at 69:37-71:25.

The music is very upbeat and fast paced during this entire DVD. There were one or two songs that I didn’t care for, but overall it was great music!

She had some of her usual cast like Nick, Nadia and Wendy; but also added some new people as well. By the end of mile 5 I was annoyed at the new guy because he was kind of doing his own thing and not following Leslie’s directions. I could tell they were all having fun and I don’t mind that, but I take my exercising seriously so it was annoying and distracting for him to be doing things differently.

I did not wear my Polar heart rate monitor during this DVD because I did 2 miles in the morning and 3 miles in the afternoon on a Saturday because I didn’t have time to do the entire 5 miles at once. Typically I can do 5 miles at one time though and I plan on doing this DVD again all at once so I can determine my calorie burn.

I liked watching the 7 minute “How to Boost 10 Moves” demo session which explained how to BOOST 10 of her most popular walking moves. Leslie explains that you can use this DVD for any fitness level by making the movements gentle and basic, or making them more advanced by boosting the movements.

I made this printable based on her boost suggestions to hang up in my home gym for reference, which you are welcome to use as well.

Leslie Sansone How to Boost 10 Moves PRINTABLE CHART


Overall I really liked this DVD and plan on doing it often. I do feel like this DVD would be more for intermediate walkers and not beginner because of the fast pace music and movements. If you have any knee problems, I would suggest either not doing all 5 miles at one time or not doing the boosted movements.

Are you ready to BOOST the results of your walk?

It’s EASY and FUN! We recommend that you start with the Bonus SESSION . This is where Leslie shows you the Top 10 Walk Moves and teaches you how to BOOST each one. After that, you can dive right into the 5 miles—in any way that you like.

You can walk a gentle mile and then a boosted mile. You can walk two miles without boosting anything and then boost the next two. Or you can even opt to boost only some of the moves within each mile. You have the freedom to do whatever is right for you! Walkers that range from beginners all the way to advanced can all get a great workout! AND with the five different 1-mile sessions, you can also customize your workout time.

If you have 30 minutes for your Monday walk, you can do two miles. If Tuesday is busy, sneak in a single 15-minute mile to keep yourself on track. Then for the days when you do have the time and the energy, you can walk all 5 miles and BOOST AWAY! Customize your workout time AND your workout intensity. This is YOUR walk!

You can order it here:

Sneak Peek Video of mile 1 the NEW Leslie Sansone: 5 Boosted Miles

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