Day 10 – Holiday Cheer Flash Giveaway! *15 days of Christian Book Giveaways!!*

Today is day 10 of my Holiday Cheer Flash Giveaway! The next giveaway will be Monday Dec 12.

Every day (Monday thru Friday) for the next 3 weeks, I will be giving away 1 christian fiction or non fiction book to one of you! Thats a total of 15 books to giveaway! SEE BELOW FOR FULL DETAILS!

Here is the giveaway for today:

After a failed dig in Honduras, aspiring archaeologist Casper Christiansen heads home to Minnesota to face his unresolved feelings for Raina Beaumont, the woman of his dreams. But when he arrives unannounced on her doorstep, he receives the shock of a lifetime: Raina is pregnant with someone else’s baby.

Heartbroken, especially when he discovers the identity of the baby’s father, Casper tables his dreams and determines to be dependable for once, helping his older brother, Darek, prepare the family resort for its grand reopening. Casper longs to be the hero of at least one family story, but a never-ending Deep Haven winter and costly repairs threaten their efforts―and the future of the resort.

Worse, one of Casper’s new jobs constantly brings him into contact with Raina, whom he can’t seem to forget. A tentative friendship begins to heal fresh wounds, but can they possibly overcome past mistakes and current choices to discover a future together?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

?This giveaway will be a flash giveaway, meaning each book drawing will only be live for 48 hours so you much act quickly!
?All giveaways and entry specifics will be posted daily on my blog.
?Each day I will post the new book that will be available to win for 48 hours.
?You may win multiple times but you must have a USA mailing address.
?All books will be mailed within 2 to 4 weeks.
?All 15 books are Christian fiction or Christian nonfiction books.
?Winners will also receive some bookmarks that were generously donated by author @jilleileensmith for this holiday cheer flash giveaway!!
?Spread some holiday cheer and tell your friends and family about my upcoming book giveaways!!!

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