Day 11 – Holiday Cheer Flash Giveaway! *15 days of Christian Book Giveaways!!*

Today is day 11 of my Holiday Cheer Flash Giveaway! This will be the last week of giveaways!!

Every day (Monday thru Friday) for the next 3 weeks, I will be giving away 1 christian fiction or non fiction book to one of you! Thats a total of 15 books to giveaway! SEE BELOW FOR FULL DETAILS!

Here is the giveaway for today:

The Wonder of You (Christiansen Family) by Susan May Warren

Mortified after her semester abroad is cut short, Amelia Christiansen returns to Deep Haven, certain she isn’t brave enough for the adventures she’s dreamed of. The last thing she expects is for the man who broke her heart to cross the Atlantic and beg forgiveness.

Heir to a European hotel dynasty, Roark St. John has trekked from one exotic locale to another, haunted by tragedy and the expectations that accompany his last name. Amelia is the first woman to give him a reason to stop running. He’ll do anything for a second chance―even contend with Amelia’s old flame, who is intent on sending Roark packing.

While one surprise after another leaves Amelia reeling, Roark’s continued presence only highlights the questions pursuing her. Like him, is she running from the life God has called her to? Could finding her new place mean leaving home behind?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

?This giveaway will be a flash giveaway, meaning each book drawing will only be live for 48 hours so you much act quickly!
?All giveaways and entry specifics will be posted daily on my blog.
?Each day I will post the new book that will be available to win for 48 hours.
?You may win multiple times but you must have a USA mailing address.
?All books will be mailed within 2 to 4 weeks.
?All 15 books are Christian fiction or Christian nonfiction books.
?Winners will also receive some bookmarks that were generously donated by author @jilleileensmith for this holiday cheer flash giveaway!!
?Spread some holiday cheer and tell your friends and family about my upcoming book giveaways!!!

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