Week 7 of “The Great Walk 100 day Summer Challenge” video suggestions

Welcome to week 7 of “The Great Walk 100 day Summer Challenge” from 7/10 – 7/16.

Remember: Our goal is to be consistent so even if you can’t do 100 days of walking in a row, do the best you can and listen to your body.

If you CAN do a walk every day, it is VERY important that you mix it up by doing gentle walks, longer walks, shorter walks, indoor walks, outdoor walks, etc.

Here are some week 7 workout video suggestions from my YouTube channel:

Comment below and let me know what walks you did this week and how you are feeling! I love to hear from you!

Don’t forget to come back here to my blog EVERY Sunday morning to get weekly walking workout suggestions and to stay accountable to this challenge. Our challenge is from 5/29/22 – 9/5/22!!


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20 Responses to Week 7 of “The Great Walk 100 day Summer Challenge” video suggestions

  1. Olga Garcia says:


    5.9 mi

  2. Amy Bosiljevac says:

    My workout was Rachel 1 mile Gentle walk.

    Have a wonderful day

  3. Olga Garcia says:

    31 min) walk
    61 min) interval training with step & weights
    40 min ) brisk walk
    60 min ) walk

    16,157 steps 7.5 mi

    5 miles this am!

  4. Amy Bosiljevac says:

    Good morning
    My workout was Burpeegirl, it was fun.
    I had to Modify the moves. I had to skip the cool down walk. Because of my hip. I did Leslie Sansone walk 15 cool down walk.

    Have a wonderful day!

  5. Donna Willard says:

    7/15 Day 48 I had to go look at my paper to remember how many days we have walked. Got out early on the greenway and walked an hour which would be around 4 miles. Have a great day! Stay as cool as you can. Walking Strong. We are almost half way through our challenge. Yeah!

  6. Olga Garcia says:

    Walking 4.9 mi

  7. Amy Bosiljevac says:

    My workout was Leslie Sansone2 Miracle mile walk.
    Everyone is doing Awesome job! Happy Walking 🚶

  8. Olga Garcia says:

    Walking. 5.9 mi

    Upper body weights
    2.8 rested

  9. Donna Willard says:

    7/13 Just finished 20 minute heart healthy gentle walk. Like having time of 20 minute for those gentle walks. Didn’t go to gym today. Going tomorrow. You are rockin it with your workouts! Just don’t get hurt!

  10. Amy Bosiljevac says:

    My workout was improve health senior fitness
    2 mile walk. Walking with weight. I use 1 pounds hand weighs. Her workouts on YouTube

    Have a wonderful day

  11. Donna Willard says:

    Hard to find gentle walks except for you, Rachel. However, the lady at Improved Health on utube does some good ones. Today I did her 20 minute gentle walk and “go low” at the Y. Maybe, you can substitute for them in the fall. Go low and Mod Fit. I hope so! Haven’t went to Mod Fit because of knees and feet. Someone said since Nancy got promoted, she does less classes. Today when Mitzi did squats, I did your mini squats. My knees are much better. I want to keep them that way. Try gentle walks at Improved Health. They are good. I guess “go lo” doesn’t count towards walk challenge. I think it would, but it is mixed when standing strength training. Mitzi always has great music. Not much longer in Texas. I know you are having a good time. Miss you! Walk Strong Group is awesome with encouragement this summer. 🙂

  12. Amy Bosiljevac says:

    My workout was improve health senior fitness
    DANCE Workout to Boost Mood and Energy | Low Impact & Fun

  13. Elana says:

    Today was the one mile ab walk in the am and the 2 mile with the band in the pm. 🙂 I hadn’t done this one with the band-it flew by!

  14. Amy Bosiljevac says:

    My workout was improve health senior fitness all in one workout. I use 4 pounds weight. It was a good workout.

    Have a wonderful day

  15. Stephanie says:

    Fri…7/8 2 miles in CO
    Sat…7/ 9 2.1 miles in Utah
    Sun…7/10. One hour of yoga in the park
    Now that I am home my workouts will be more consistent

    • Elana says:

      Today was a gentle day. Rachel’s one mile gentle walk this am and this week’s suggested 2 mile gentle faith based walk this evening. 🙂

  16. Donna Willard says:

    7/10 Sunday is my day to strength train with my 4 lb medicine ball. Never have to worry about my hands hurting later. I did the 15 minute workout again that Amy in our group suggested by Biggest Loser and another just walking biggest loser for 2 miles. Then, I really had not planned it, but a friend and I walked from the Raleigh Court Library to Graces to eat dinner. Then, we walked some more afterwards. Hopefully, walking some pizza off. Lol I was down this afternoon with the gloomy weather. It lifted my spirits. The number one reason I walk. Endorphins! Have a wonderful evening.

  17. Elana says:

    Happy Sunday! Today I did a Leslie Sansone 2 mile power walk and spent some time in the beach. Enjoy your evening!:)

  18. Cinfy says:

    I need to say this challenge is so much fun. I cannot believe it is 7 weeks. I have gained stamina, lost inches but most of all started to love the habit of walking. Thank you Rachel. Good luck all!!!

  19. Amy Bosiljevac says:

    Good morning
    My workout was 2 mile Leslie Sansone Miracle mile walk. It was fun. I been enjoying the Walk 100 days challenge. I look forward my walk every morning.
    I use YouTube walk video and Leslie Sansone walk DVD. That is my walk.

    Thank you again doing this walk challenge for us.

    Have a beautiful day!

    Everyone is doing Awesome job!

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