Seated Strength Upper Body workout-suitable for ALL AGES #activeagers #strength #seatedstrength

Seated Strength Upper Body workout-suitable for ALL AGES!

➡️ warm up at least 5-10 mins with cardio before doing strength training
✔️Complete all (8) exercises in a row
✔️8-12 reps for each exercise
✔️repeat for a total of 2-3 rounds
➡️ always listen to your body with the number of reps and range of motion that you do. All exercises can be done standing as well.

1. overhead press
2. bent over fly
3: bicep curl
4. bent over row
5. hammer curl
6. bent over tricep kickback
7. front raise
8. side raise

I posted a quick IG video here if you want to see each exercise:
**this video is sped up to 4x its original speed to show you all of the exercises in a short amount of time**

D I S C L A I M E R:
Not all workouts on this profile may be suited for you. Please consult your doctor if you have any medical issues, and before beginning a training or nutrition program. By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk.
Rachel DeVaughn/Walk Strong Roanoke/EmpowerMoms/Rdevaughnfitness will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of her online fitness videos or information shared on her channels and social media. By using her fitness workouts or information you are accepting all the terms of this disclaimer notice.

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