#1MillionMinutes challenge with #SweatPink


The #1millionminutes with #sweatpink challenge began on June 21 (in honor of their 4th birthday!) and will end two months later, on August 21.

You can go here for all the details and to record your exercising minutes.


My goal is to log 300-360 minutes per week = which is 60 mins of exercise 5-6x per week.

Living an active lifestyle is important to me so I can feel and look my best every day. I want to be a healthy example to my kids and be around for a long time to play with them and take care of them!

I do most of my workouts at home but I’ve also been going to the gym 2-3 times per week for the month of June and July. I also do my once a week park workouts since I am a NEM (NoExcuseMom) local leader which is really fun!

What do you do to stay active with your family?

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