“When Love Comes” by Penny Zeller

About the Book

Book: When Love Comes

Author: Penny Zeller

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release Date: December 5, 2023

Can love be found amidst broken hearts and unexpected loss?

Determined to heal her broken heart, Charlotte Eliason visits her aunts in Prune Creek, Wyoming. What should be a time of peace and calm becomes one of chaos and unwelcome surprises when she discovers her longtime foe, Tobias Hallman, is the new blacksmith. To make matters worse, her two meddlesome aunts are constantly inviting him to supper and encouraging friendship between the two sworn enemies.
Tobias Hallman has always wanted to be a blacksmith, so when an opportunity arises to own his own shop in Prune Creek, he seizes it. However, he doesn’t expect to cross paths with his childhood nemesis, the annoying Charlotte Eliason.
When tragedy strikes, close proximity soon forces two reluctant hearts to become allies in a quest to rescue Tobias’s orphaned niece. Can Charlotte and Tobias put aside their preconceived disdain for each other and find love in the midst of challenging circumstances? Does God have a plan for them and for a young girl grieving the untimely loss of her parents?


Click here to get your copy!

My Review

This is book 3 from the “Wyoming Sunrise” series and is set in 1895 in the Wyoming area. Charlotte travels to live with her aunts Myrtle and Fern, where she sadly also comes across her old childhood foe. This story made me laugh, tear up, smile and of course kept my interest with their Wyoming adventures from beginning to end. Gods love and grace was shown throughout this book and thru the characters.

I have read other books by this author, but not from this particular series, but felt like it could be read as a stand alone story. I really enjoyed this historical, clean romance book!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions and views expressed are my own.

About the Author

Penny Zeller is known for her heartfelt stories of faith and her passion to impact lives for Christ through fiction. While she has had a love for writing since childhood, she began her adult writing career penning articles for national and regional publications on a wide variety of topics.

Today Penny is a multi-published author of nearly two books. She is also a homeschool mom and a group fitness instructor. Her desire is to assist and nurture women into a closer relationship with Christ.

When Penny is not dreaming up new characters, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two daughters and camping, hiking, canoeing, reading, running, gardening, and playing volleyball.

More from Penny

One of the most exciting things about writing a book is creating memorable characters. I couldn’t wait for Charlotte and Tobias to have their own story—and to revisit Aunt Myrtle and Aunt Fern. I hope you enjoy this short excerpt from When Love Comes.



“Charlotte! Oh, Charlotte!” Two jubilant voices garnered her attention. Aunt Myrtle and Aunt Fern waved at her from the north end of the boardwalk. Charlotte bustled her way through the crowds and toward the aunts.

My, but if they hadn’t begun to have a strong resemblance in their older years. Both had completely gray hair, and while Aunt Fern wore spectacles, her round face and pert nose matched her sister’s.

“Best not ever say they resemble each other,” Ma told her before she embarked on this trip. “Even if they do. For you might find yourself sleeping in the chicken coop for such a comment.” Ma and Charlotte had laughed over that, even as Ma insisted it would be detrimental to suggest their likeness.

“Look at you! You’ve grown into such a lovely young lady,” Aunt Myrtle wrapped her arms around Charlotte. “We’re so glad you’re here.”

Aunt Fern gave her a hug next. “Yes, we are. It’s been too long since an Eliason was here in Prune Creek. The buggy is thisaway. It’s a slight bit too far for us to walk to the Peabody house these days.”

“Too far for you, maybe,” chided Aunt Myrtle. She fingered her decorative hat. “What do you think about my hat, Charlotte? Mrs. Peabody was about to discard it when I salvaged it.”

Since she was taller than Aunt Myrtle, Charlotte could see the top of the hat and the fake bird immersed in a portable flower garden. “It’s lovely.”

“Well, it is not,” declared Aunt Fern. “Who wears a hat with a bird on it?”

Aunt Myrtle lifted her chin, nearly causing the hat to topple from her head. “Women of high society who take a fancy to the latest and most elegant fashions.”

“But you’re neither.”

“Pshaw. Hush, Fern.”

They walked down the boardwalk on the way to the buggy. As they passed the barbershop, a balding man with the thickest spectacles Charlotte had ever seen perched in the entryway. “Well, hello, Fern. Would you like a haircut?”

“You know full and well, Mr. Gorman, that I do not need a haircut.” Aunt Fern fluffed her gray curls and tossed him a disgusted look. “That vexing man asks me if I would like a haircut every time I walk by the barbershop. Far be it from me to allow someone with magnifying glasses for spectacles to see well enough to fashion my coiffure.”

Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, December 6

lakesidelivingsite, December 6

Alena Mentink, December 7

She Lives To Read, December 8

Vicky Sluiter, December 8

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 9

Texas Book-aholic, December 10

EmpowerMoms, December 11

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 11

Locks, Hooks and Books, December 12

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, December 13

Devoted To Hope, December 14

Cover Lover Book Review, December 14

For Him and My Family, December 15

Holly’s Book Corner, December 16

Connie’s History Classroom, December 16

Splashes of Joy, December 17

Pause for Tales, December 18

Life on Chickadee Lane, December 19

Mary Hake, December 19


To celebrate her tour, Penny is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift and a signed copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


Posted in Book Reviews | 3 Comments

Holiday Hustle workout videos + weekly workout plan for 12/11/2023 #holidayhustle #walking #fitnesswalkingworkout

Welcome to week 2 of your HOLIDAY workout plan using my videos from my YouTube channel.  All the videos can be found here: 

Monday 12/11: (cardio) 10 min Holiday Hustle cardio ball walk (NEW)

Tuesday 12/12: (cardio) 30 min holiday fitness walk

Wednesday 12/13: (strength) 10 min Holiday Hustle toning band walk (NEW)

Thursday 12/14: (cardio) 40 min fast/interval cardio walk

Friday 12/15: (cardio) 10 min Holiday Hustle fast walk and punch (NEW)

Saturday 12/16: (strength) 35 min total body strength & walk

Sunday 12/17: Rest Day or Active Recovery Walk

Yoga seated total body stretch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUNJKnjMrRw
Cool down/stretch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBakU6xLXCg&t=10s

**Don’t forget-this is just a SUGGESTED workout plan! You can always change it around to fit your schedule or just do the new 10 min Holiday Hustle workout videos if 10 mins is all you have!

I’ll be back next Sunday to give you your new weekly workout!

Posted in Fitness, Walk Strong Roanoke Fitness, Walk15: walk aerobics class | 1 Comment

Her Secret Hope (A Season in Pinecraft Book #3) by Shelley Shepard Gray

Her Secret Hope (A Season in Pinecraft Book #3) by Shelley Shepard Gray

I have read all the “Season In Pinecraft” books and I absolutely love them! The original 4 Amish girls Mary Margaret, Betsy, Esther and Lilly all travel to Pinecraft Florida and in previous books they find adventure, love, acceptance and hope. If you haven’t read the other books, I highly recommend reading them first.

In this specific book, Lilly is the last to share her story and experiences with trying to find her place in life and to feel truly accepted. I liked getting to know Eddie, a new friend of Lilly. I loved the sweetness of these books, characters and the beautiful setting of Florida. It has been so much fun reading this light hearted book that kept my interest from beginning to end. I am sad to see this series come to an end.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions and views expressed are my own.

Almost two years after Lilly Kurtz first traveled to Pinecraft, Florida, with friends, she’s decided to make a fresh start there. She’s ready to be new-and-improved Lilly, a Lilly without a past, a Lilly with no secrets. At first, everything goes well. She gets a job, her coworkers feel like family, and she enjoys reconnecting with her friends. But it turns out the past is reluctant to be left behind.

When Lilly meets hardworking farmer Eddie Byler, she can’t get him off of her mind. But then she discovers that Eddie actually lives just a few miles from her hometown in Ohio. Lilly knows that he’s not going to like it when he finds out what secrets she’s been running from. And she knows she could never follow the man she’s falling in love with back to a place where she’s never felt accepted.

Will Lilly have to give up on love in order to find peace? Or could it be that love is actually the solution to all of her problems?


Shelley Shepard Gray is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 100 books, including Her Heart’s Desire and Her Only Wish. Two-time winner of the HOLT Medallion and a Carol Award finalist, Gray lives in Ohio, where she writes full-time, bakes too much, and can often be found walking her dachshunds on her town’s bike trail. Learn more at www.shelleyshepardgray.com

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Holiday Hustle workout videos + weekly workout plan for 12/4/2023 #holidayhustle #walking #fitnesswalkingworkout


It’s the holiday season and I have some NEW YouTube HOLIDAY workout videos coming out every Monday, Wednesday and Friday this month! I’m so excited for you to try them.

Here’s a sneak peek of what’s coming up:

I want to keep you moving this month, so here is your suggested HOLIDAY workout plan this week using my videos from my YouTube channel. All the videos can be found here: 

Monday 12/4: (strength) 10 min Holiday Hustle toning walk (NEW)

Tuesday 12/5: (cardio/core) 20 min ab express

Wednesday 12/6: (cardio) 10 min Holiday Hustle seated cardio walk (NEW)

Thursday 12/7: (strength) 30 min lower body strength & walk

Friday 12/8: (cardio) 10 min Holiday Hustle fast walk (NEW)

Saturday 12/9: (cardio) 30 min Holly Jolly walk

Sunday 12/10: Rest Day or Active Recovery Walk

Yoga seated total body stretch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUNJKnjMrRw
Cool down/stretch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBakU6xLXCg&t=10s

**Don’t forget-this is just a SUGGESTED workout plan! You can always change it around to fit your schedule or just do the new 10 min Holiday Hustle workout videos if 10 mins is all you have!

I’ll be back next Sunday to give you your new weekly workout plan.

Posted in Fitness, Walk Strong Roanoke Fitness, Walk15: walk aerobics class | Comments Off on Holiday Hustle workout videos + weekly workout plan for 12/4/2023 #holidayhustle #walking #fitnesswalkingworkout

“Unstick Your Mind: Shift Your Mindset, Develop Grit & Break Barriers” by Mimika Cooney

About the Book

Book: Unstick Your Mind: Shift Your Mindset, Develop Grit & Break Barriers

Author: Mimika Cooney

Genre: Christian Non-Fiction, Mindset, Women’s Christian Living, Personal Growth

Release Date: May 8, 2023

Do you question why you have negative thoughts? Every problem in life starts with a thought. Often we get stuck in perpetual cycles of bad thought patterns that cause us to repeat behaviors, over and over again.

But what if there was another way? What if we could unlearn the limiting beliefs, thoughts and ingrained patterns we learnt from childhood? What if we could free our minds and become who ever we wanted to be?

The good news is that you are not stuck with the brain you have!

You may think its is a pipe dream, but the reality is based on the concept of neuroplasticity. The brain is an amazing organ that is always learning.

Mindset is changing the way you think. You CAN learn new ways, new habits, and new success driven behaviors to finally achieve your goals.

Read this book for dealing with anxiety, and if you want to get over stress and anxiety. Come with me on a journey of self discovery and unlock the power of your mind!

Discover what elite athletes, CEO’s and high achievers do to unlock their full potential. Once you learn how to shift your mindset and develop grit, you will be positioned to break through any barrier holding you back!

In this powerful book you will discover…

* How to recognize limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

* How to take control of runaway thoughts that derail you.

* How to reinvent your habits for better productivity.

* How to partner with God to unlock your true potential and purpose!

This anxiety book for Christians is designed to help you move past stuck to successful.

Are you ready to change your life by changing your mind?


Click here to get your copy!

My Review

I like that this book references Gods teachings, scripture references, quotes, multiple doctor studies, advice and findings from doctors and scientists, the authors personal experiences, etc. So many awesome insights and material in this book!

Each chapter has short sections making it easy to read small parts at a time; which in my opinion makes is easier to use the free ebook study guide along side the book.

At the end of each chapter there are Self Reflection Exercises which are questions to ask yourself relating to the chapter. Which is a great opportunity for journaling!

I liked reading the section about the difference of Happiness and Joy. “Choosing joy is a deliberate act, whereas happiness is waiting for life to happen to you. We can’t control outside circumstances or other people, so expecting other people to make you happy is setting yourself up for failure…” She also included 4 simple steps to facilitate joy.

The chapter how to develop and unlocking a resilient mindset also spoke to me. “Resiliency is the ability to adapt to challenging situations….it means that instead of falling into the pit of despair or hiding from issues with unhealthy coping strategies, you face these difficulties straight on. Developing a resilient mindset is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. It is key to overcoming any obstacle.”

Some of the chapters spoke to me more than others, but overall this self help, Christian mindset book was awesome! I highly recommend this resource for anyone looking to learn more about mindset, the power of the brain, and retraining our brain to become the best version we can be!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions and views expressed are my own.

About the Author

Mimika Cooney is a leading faith-based Christian Mindset Author and Speaker known as the “Personal Trainer for your Mind”. She empowers Christians to rewire their brain by combining neuroscience, positive psychology, and a faith-based approach. She loves to empower purpose-driven individuals to transform their lives by shifting their mindset habits and patterns, as they pursue growth to achieve extraordinary results.

Mimika is the creator of the “Unstick Your Mind“ a mindset mastery method, a transformative program that equips Christians with the tools to achieve their breakthroughs. Mimika will teach you how to unstick your mind, develop emotional resilience, and unlock your true potential by becoming the boss of your brain!

More from Mimika

Unstick Your Mind was written from a place of deep pain and frustration. Having experienced anxiety, depression and disillusionment for years, I searched for sound biblical advice to help me get out of my mental rut. What I discovered was a lack of useful content that could help turn my compass toward Christ on my journey to mental wellness. After throwing myself into the world of neuroscience, positive psychology and coaching; I emerged with a fresh perspective and a passionate voice to help fellow Christians navigate the amazing miracle of renewing our mind God’s way. The good news is that you CAN change the way you think and completely overhaul your thinking when you focus on renewing your mind using biblical strategies and neuroscience.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, November 13

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, November 14

Blossoms and Blessings, November 15 (Author Interview)

Joy Suzanne Hunt, November 15

It’s Mama Safe, November 16

Texas Book-aholic, November 17

Artistic Nobody, November 18 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, November 19

Splashes of Joy, November 20 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, November 21

An Author’s Take, November 22

Guild Master, November 23 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, November 23

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, November 24

A Reader’s Brain, November 25 (Author Interview)

EmpowerMoms, November 26


To celebrate her tour, Mimika is giving away the grand prize of a free Access to Mimika’s Course Mindset Make-Over and an eBook!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


Posted in Book Reviews | 1 Comment