“Finding Her Voice” by Donna Gartshore REVIEW & GIVEAWAY

Finding Her Voice JustRead Blog + Review Tour

Welcome to the Blog + Review Tour for Finding Her Voice by Donna Gartshore, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


Finding Her Voice

Title: Finding Her Voice 

Author: Donna Gartshore
Publisher: Harlequin Love Inspired
Release Date: August 23, 2022
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Christian
Overcoming their differences 
Could be the answer to all their problems
Bridget Connelly dreams of buying her boss’s veterinary clinic and starting her own business—but so does auditor Sawyer Blume. Despite her trust issues toward men, it’s hard to stay rivals when Sawyer’s traumatized daughter bonds with Bridget’s adorable pup. And when another buyer tries to outbid them both, working together might give them everything they want…including each other.

PURCHASE LINKS*: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | BookDepository | IndieBound | Christianbook | BookBub


Donna Gartshore

Donna Gartshore lives in Saskatchewan, Canada. Donna now has three books published with Love Inspired and is working on three more. She has also published several short stories and poems with various literary publications and writes devotions. Donna loves family time, walks, coffee and movies with friends, serving in various capacities at the church she attends and talking about books and writing with her friends and the writing community.

Connect with Donna by following her on Instagram or Twitter.


I enjoyed reading this clean, Love Inspired inspirational story!

There are heavy topics mentioned in this story like abuse, trauma and grief  so this book may not be for everyone. Both of the main characters have experienced heartbreaking traumas and it was interesting to read how animal companions can help in so many ways!

Another theme in this book was about trusting God in all things; even when horrible, devastating things happen in our lives. This book was about second chances, love and finding God’s peace.

I received a copy of this book complimentary for blog and social media review. All opinions are my own.


(3) winners will receive print copy of Finding Her Voice, an adult inspirational coloring book, and a small devotion!

Finding Her Voice JustRead Giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight August 22, 2022 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on August 29, 2022. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US/CAN only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.


Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours

*NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.

Posted in Book Reviews | 2 Comments

Week 13 of “The Great Walk 100 day Summer Challenge” video suggestions

Welcome to week 13 of “The Great Walk 100 day Summer Challenge” from 8/21 – 8/27.

Remember: Our goal is to be consistent so even if you can’t do 100 days of walking in a row, do the best you can and listen to your body.

If you CAN do a walk every day, it is VERY important that you mix it up by doing gentle walks, longer walks, shorter walks, indoor walks, outdoor walks, etc.

DON’T FORGET to comment below with your daily workouts to be entered to WIN PRIZES at the end of 100 days!

Here are some week 13 workout video suggestions from the Walk at Home youtube channel featuring Leslie Sansone:

Posted in Fitness, Walk Strong Roanoke Fitness, Walk15: walk aerobics class | 6 Comments

“FASTER WAY to Fast Loss” August 2022 journey

I lost over 7  inches and 10 pounds when I first started my Faster Way to Fat loss journey last summer. Since then I have continued with intermittent fasting, food logging and daily exercising as a VIP member and maintained my weight loss.

Unfortunately I let my summer travel plans get in the way of my weight loss goals and eating properly. (I DID do awesome with my exercising though this summer!) I turned 40 years at the end of May and my goal was to lose 25 pounds before then. Better late than never!

So this past Monday I recommitted to the program 100% and have been journaling my progress on IG stories and IG. I would love for you to follow along and cheer me on! I’ve been sharing my food and exercising.  Maybe you will get some ideas of what works and what you would like to try?

Burn Fat with Every Bite
There’s no denying that nutrition is the number 1 key to achieving fat loss, but what actually works? By now you’ve probably tried every diet under the sun hoping to finally see results – and maintain them.
Faster Way to Fat Loss has cracked the code on how to create a plate that burns fat, boosts energy, and balances hormones. You can get a taste with this FREE 5-day sample meal guide here:

Program Details for NEW Faster Way clients starting August 29th:

  • Weekly Trainings
  • 6 weeks of programming
  • Hosted in our brand new APP
  • 30-minute workouts with options for at home or the gym
  • Daily meal plan and comprehensive recipe library
  • Active accountability group
  • Unmatched results


Check out my blog post here to read about my 6 week challenge transformation: http://empowermoms.net/2021/06/how-i-lost-10-pounds-what-i-learned-during-6-weeks-of-fasterwaytofatloss-program.html

Posted in FASTer Way To Fat Loss, Fitness | Comments Off on “FASTER WAY to Fast Loss” August 2022 journey

Week 12 of “The Great Walk 100 day Summer Challenge” video suggestions

Welcome to week 12 of “The Great Walk 100 day Summer Challenge” from 8/14 – 8/20.

Remember: Our goal is to be consistent so even if you can’t do 100 days of walking in a row, do the best you can and listen to your body.

If you CAN do a walk every day, it is VERY important that you mix it up by doing gentle walks, longer walks, shorter walks, indoor walks, outdoor walks, etc.

Here are some week 12 workout video suggestions from my YouTube channel:

Posted in Fitness, Walk Strong Roanoke Fitness, Walk15: walk aerobics class | 12 Comments

“Shoal Waters” by Normandie Fischer GIVEAWAY

Shoal Waters JustRead Blog + Review Blitz

Welcome to the Blog + Review Blitz for Shoal Waters by Normandie Fischer, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


Shoal Waters
Title: Shoal Waters

Carolina Coast Stories #6
Author: Normandie Fischer
Publisher: Sleepy Creek Press
Release Date: June 14, 2022
Genre: Inspirational/Clean Women’s Fiction
Dementia, mad gunmen, and a yearning for something more make life difficult for the Beaufort folk in this series finale.
Georgie’s mind threatens to go walkabout, and she’d better get help soon if she’s to stop her daughter from taking over. Enter granddaughter, Jeminy, a songwriter from L.A., and Eric, her lawyer.
Jeminy hates herself and is pretty sure God does, too. There’s that huge unforgiveable sin, plus the boyfriend/manager who dumped her and lost her a music deal. Her mistakes. Her fault.
When Mother plots to tuck Nana Georgie neatly into a nursing home to gain access to Nana’s money, Jeminy hightails it out of L.A. and back to Beaufort. God may still hate her in North Carolina, but at least she’ll be on hand to protect her beloved grandmother.
Enter Eric, the lawyer hired to help Georgie protect herself–and possibly Jeminy, too. But Eric just rescued his orphaned stepson from Social Services, and while he’s adept at legal briefs and courtroom dramas, classrooms and angry second graders are brand new territory.
Guitar in hand, Jeminy tries to write songs to jumpstart her flagging career, but when someone threatens her life, she has to ask why. Could it have to do with the money missing from her bank accounts (and maybe her unstable ex)? If she prays for help, will God even listen to someone with her baggage?
With the help of the Beaufort crew, a new father and a terrified musician struggle to safeguard everyone they love, but it’s going to take more than good neighbors to show each of them the true meaning of grace.

PURCHASE LINKS*: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | BookDepository | IndieBoundBookBub



Becalmed Heavy Weather Twilight Christmas Sailing out of Darkness The Sea Prayers


Normandie Fischer

Normandie Fischer had the best of several worlds: a Southern heritage, access to schooling in the DC area (which meant lots of cultural adventures), and several years of sculpture studies in Italy. It might have been better for her if she’d used all these opportunities more wisely, but it’s possible that the imperfect and the unwise also add fodder for the artist and the writer.

Her life changed radically when she married the love of her life at an age when some would have said she was over the hill and way past her prime. (Clichés often speak the truth, don’t they?) A lifelong sailor, she was delighted to find that Michael also longed to cruise lovely waters, which is what they did from Northern CA to Mexico, spending too-few years in the incomparable Sea of Cortez. Sea Venture, their 50′ ketch, is back home in North Carolina now because Normandie’s mama needed care. Still, it’s gorgeous there, too, and she can write from home as easily as she could on the boat.

Her two grown children and two step-sons are handsome (or gorgeous, as the case may be), talented, and a delight. And now there’s a granddaughter and grandson in the mix–woohoo! She just wishes they lived a lot closer to home.

Connect with Normandie by visiting normandiefischer.com to follow her on social media or subscribe to email newsletter updates.


(1) winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card and one signed book written by Normandie Fischer (winner’s choice)!

Shoal Waters JustRead Giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight August 10, 2022 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on August 17, 2022. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US/CAN only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.


Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours

*NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.

Excerpts Shoal Waters:

Georgina, Chapter 2

Quiet pervaded the Beaufort waterfront, except for the occasional squawk of a
gull or the plop of a fish. Sunshine doused Georgie’s bones in a warmth that fought
off all her old-person aches. Fighting off was good because, honey, those aches
were just part of what had worry settling in.
Sometimes it was there, swooping like a buzzard after kill, and sometimes she
was herself, Georgina Warren, her thinking clear as the drips from the hose snaking
through her flowers.
The horrible thing that would steal her self from her and make her vulnerable
had begun, and that thought shamed her. Only she had no time for shame. Or for
anything else.

Jeminy Chapter 5

Jeminy didn’t—wouldn’t—care that her life had been reduced to a moderate
savings account and the plans she now had to make. Nana’s call precipitated her
decision to move out of Los Angeles, and that was no bad thing. It was past time.
This place of promise and glitter had captivated her until she’d looked more
closely at its underbellies, from enclaves peopled with the untouchable elite to Skid
Row’s un-helped homeless. Many of those living in between stumbled around on
the verge of bankruptcy as they clawed toward access to the gated communities.
Once upon a time, she’d been on the fringes of money and fame.
She didn’t—wouldn’t—care about the trappings of her big-city life she’d be
leaving, not the BMW she’d thought hers, not this apartment.

…Tomorrow, it would be off with the old and on with the new, whatever that
was and wherever it would take her and her guitar. A few more hours and this place
would be on the way to being forgotten.

Georgina Chap 20

And, in the process of bringing it [the phone] to her ear, she lost her last
thought. It had been there, hadn’t it, because she was holding the phone in her
hand. But why? Who had she intended to call?
Closing her eyes, she shuddered.
Her mind kept tripping off like this, willy-nilly, as if it had decided to go
walkabout, leaving the rest of her behind. Feeling this, knowing it, made a spasm
roil up from low in her belly. She swiped at a tear because this could not be
happening. It couldn’t. Yet look at her, staring at the phone, no clue as to why she
held it. Was she about to call someone? Had she already made a call?
She couldn’t remember. She could not remember.
And, oh, my, when had those veins started protruding right below her
knuckles? Look at the brown spots.
What on earth was she supposed to do with the phone?
She put it down on the kitchen counter. Maybe enlightenment would come as
she fixed herself a cup of tea. The heat of it would be good for her bones, and
maybe it would unjumble her thoughts.

Posted in Book Reviews | 1 Comment